
Why are hospitals always freezing?

They need to keep the vegetables cold.

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Did you hear about the cannibal that came home late? His wife gave him the cold shoulder.

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Why did the cow jump over the moon? Because the farmer had cold hands!

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Why would the chicken not cross the road? Beacuse its to old.(the joke is old) (the nchicken is old)

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One time a kid came to the hospital and said “I really need help”, the kid said he was really hot so the put an ice cold towel on him. Then the doctor asked him if he had any problems and he said “yes I am really hot” and the doctor realized that he looked fine, so he said “are you sure, you look amazing” and the kid said that he ment to say I look hot!

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Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Atch who?

Sorry you are sneezing. Have you got a cold?

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I picked up a document and I started to feel cold. I looked down at the document and it read DRAFT.

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