What’s the difference?

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What’s the difference between a black & a white fairy tail? White begins, “Once upon a time…” Black begins, " Yall mutherf@ckers aint gonna believe dis shit"

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What’s the difference between hitler and logan paul? At least hitler had respect for the japanese!

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What’s the difference between you and an idiot? Not very much if you reword and post the same joke over and over.

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My girlfriend asked me to write her a poem for Valentines Day: Roses are red, Watches are gold. Get on your knees, And do as you’re told.

What’s the difference between your girlfriend and sister? Nothing if your from Alabama

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Whats the difference batween an onion and a baby.

One makes you cry when you cut it up

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What’s the difference between $1 Million and Baby Teeth? I don’t have $1 Million in my wallet.

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What’s the difference between you and Jesus? Your parents remember Jesus’s birth date

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What’s the difference between a pizza delivery guy and a cop.

Pizza guys get punished for not doing their jobs properly

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