Dark Humor

Whats the difference batween an onion and a baby.

One makes you cry when you cut it up

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I will never forget my Grandpa’s last words, “What are you doing with that rope and saw”

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What does an emo do on Halloween, they hang like a decoration

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To the guy asking what joy I find in suicide jokes, the answer is simple. I make suicide jokes to cope with my crippling depression. Must be working, cause I’m still here

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Other girls be like “I want a 6ft guy”, meanwhile I want to be 6ft under???

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I still remember the last words my grandpa said before he kicked the bucket. He said, “Hey, how far do you think I can kick this bucket?”

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What do you call a deer with no eyes?

No idea.

Bonus joke: What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?

Still no idea.

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I’ll never forget my grandma’s last words, “What are you doing in here with that hammer?”

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I don’t call it suicide. I call it population control

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I’ll always remember my father’s last words: I’m gonna sleep for a little.

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What is the worst motivational thing to say to a depressed person?

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

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