What’s the difference?

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Q: What is the difference between a drunk and a stoner at a stop sign? A: The drunk guy runs it and the stoner waits for it to turn green!

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What’s the difference between you and an idiot? Not very much if you reword and post the same joke over and over.

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What’s the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms? One’s a Goodyear. The other’s a great year.

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What’s the difference between a amateur thief and a professional thief?

The amateur thief says, "Give me all your money!" The professional thief says, “Sign here please.”

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What is the difference between a truck full of bowling balls and a truck full of babies?

U can’t unload a truck full of bowling balls with a pitch fork.

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What is the difference between a frog and a horny toad? One says “Ribbit, Ribbit” and the other says “Rub it, Rub it”.

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What’s the difference between a cranky two-year-old and a duckling? – One is a whiny toddler, and the other is a tiny waddler.

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Whats the difference between a gay guy and a freezer?

The freezer doesn’t fart when you pull the meat out

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