Woman jokes

When you break up with your online girlfriend, and you hear your uncle crying in the other room.

My father is like Houdini, when he heard his girlfriend was pregnant he disappeared.

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A programmer and his wife.

She says, “We’re out of bread. Please go the grocery store and buy one. And if they’ve got eggs, get six.”

After a while, he’s back with six loaves of bread.

The wife asks, “Why did you buy 6 loaves of bread?”

He replies, “They had eggs.”

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Therapist: so what brought you here today? wife: he’s too literal Therapist: and you sir? husband: my truck

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Wife: (on phone) hi Husband: hey I didn’t know dishwashers talk and make me a sandwich.

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I was watching my daughter play at the park, a woman came up to me and asked which one was mine, I said I was still choosing.

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Hitler visits a lunatic asylum. The patients give the Hitler salute. As he passes down the line he comes across a woman who Isn?’t saluting.?Why are you not saluting like the others? ? Hitler barks.?"Mein Fuhrer, I?m the nurse," she responds "I?m not crazy!?

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My kids are so ungrateful. I got them a new dishwasher and they just won’t stop complaining about their mom

Whats the difference between a lightbulb and a preganant woman you can unscrew the lightbulb

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What’s the difference between a nun and a woman in a bath tub? One’s got hope in her soul, the others got soap in her hole.

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